The value of sub-metering in real estate

The value of sub-metering in real estate

As the owner or manager of a residential or commercial property, you are likely keeping numerous balls in the air, all at the same time. From managing the upkeep of the property to juggling tenant needs to resolving unexpected problems, the role is challenging and...
The value of sub-metering in real estate

The value of sub-metering in real estate

Whether it’s modernising existing infrastructure, building richer customer relationships or streamlining admin, sub-metering solutions are increasingly recognised as powerful solutions in the real estate industry. Their blend of reliable technology with accessible...
Intelligent solutions for complex utilities challenges

Intelligent solutions for complex utilities challenges

The provision of utilities in South Africa is unpredictable and subject to the vagaries of ageing infrastructure. It’s a priority, but one that will take time to address so landlords need to find new and inventive ways of managing the supply of electricity and water...
Peace and harmony with utilities

Peace and harmony with utilities

A simple solution to a complex problem that minimises conflict for an easy life  There’s an old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times”, that certainly seems to have come true today. Times are very interesting indeed. Which is why, right now, most people...
The business of tenant delight

The business of tenant delight

Over the past year, the South African commercial property market has undergone some significant shifts in growth and occupancy. The sector is facing complex times ahead thanks to reduced tenancy rates, a slow growing economy, and a lack of cohesive direction post-SONA...
Prepaid meters eliminate electricity risk for owners and tenants

Prepaid meters eliminate electricity risk for owners and tenants

Finding fair ways to pay for shared utilities in multi-tenanted properties is a perennial headache for everyone, from property owners and facility managers to body corporates and tenants. “Lack of clear information leads to a lack of trust on all sides,” says Citiq...