Things to keep in mind when Buying a Second Hand Prepaid Meter
The sale of Second Hand Prepaid Meters are becoming more frequent and with hundreds of thousands of meters in existence, it is important to know what to check for before purchasing a second hand meter. If you’re ever in a situation where you want to purchase a second hand meter, we’ve put together a handy guide for you to follow.
Before we begin the process, as with any electrical devices, we encourage you to exercise caution when purchasing second hand meters. Start by inspecting for signs of damage or electrical burns. You can then power up the meter by connecting it to electricity – if the display comes on, there is a reasonable chance that the meter is in a good working condition. If you are in doubt, you can get the meter checked by a qualified electrician.
The most important thing to remember when purchasing second hand meters, is that it may still be linked to the previous owners account. This means, whenever tokens are loaded onto the meter, the previous owner will be receiving your refund. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the meter is activated and linked to the new building and working properly. Our friendly call centre will help you through the process.
If you have purchased a second hand Citiq Prepaid meter, please follow these steps:
1) The first step is to verify the meter with our call centre. Contact us on 087 55 111 55 and inform our call centre that you have purchased a second hand meter and give them the meter number.
2) The call centre team will then begin the verification process by ensuring the meter isn’t stolen or still linked to the previous owner’s account. This can take up to 2 business days, so we ask that you please be patient. Once the meter is verified, our call centre will be in touch with you directly.
3) Once your meter has been verified, you’re all set to install. The meter will need to be installed by a qualified electrician. The electrician will then help you register your meter through our call centre.
4) After the meter has been successfully registered, we encourage you to request a clear credit token from our call centre. This will reset the meter back to zero, meaning any remaining credits on the meter will be removed. Meters credits being removed are beneficial to landlords, for example if the meter still has 1000 kwH on it, the tenant will still be able to use 1000 kWh worth of electricity before needing to purchase anymore.
5) You can now gain access to our Meter Management System to download statements, manage buildings and meters, and view your payment history and tariff details. You can sign up for this through the call centre.
We hope this process comes in handy when you do decide to purchase a second hand Citiq Prepaid meter. If you are interested in purchasing new electrical and prepaid water meters, please view our range of products –